
Read the latest news about the Institute's work and public health. 

25 Sep, 2023 - This report examined the relationship between tobacco use and mental ill-health in Northern Ireland. It also considered tobacco control policy approaches to this issue across the UK and Ireland.…
7 Sep, 2023 - Almost a quarter of 16-year-olds in Ireland gambled for money in the previous year, according to a new report, which found the odds of gambling stacked against boys compared to girls.The report, ‘…
31 May, 2023 - The 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health in Madrid attracted hundreds of delegates from far and wide to consider how a ‘Tobacco-Free Generation’ could be achieved in Europe by 2040.  IPH…
20 Jan, 2023 - The Department of Health has today published a consultation report, produced by the Institute of Public Health, that will inform the further development of legislation governing providers of home…