
31 May, 2024 - In this blog for World No Tobacco Day, Louise O’Connor from IPH's policy team discusses the recently proposed changes to tobacco control legislation in…
30 Jan, 2024 -   In this blog, Louise O’Connor, a senior research assistant at the Institute of Public Health, discusses what measures could be introduced to decrease the appeal of nicotine inhaling products to…
25 Oct, 2023 -  In this blog, Dr Helen McAvoy, IPH Director of Policy, explores the UK government’s groundbreaking announcement to progressively raise the age of sale of tobacco.   What exactly is this new measure…
31 May, 2023 - The 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health in Madrid attracted hundreds of delegates from far and wide to consider how a ‘Tobacco-Free Generation’ could be achieved in Europe by 2040.  IPH…
31 May, 2023 -  On the 20th anniversary of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, IPH Director of Policy Dr Helen McAvoy reflects on tobacco industry interference in policy making…
19 Oct, 2022 - It’s National Menopause Awareness Week, Ireland’s first national awareness campaign about menopause. The campaign slogan ‘Let’s take the mystery out of menopause’ highlights the need for clear…
22 Jul, 2022 - In this blog, Laura McQuade from the Institute of Public Health, explores the role of the arts to support population health.Over the last number of years there has been a growing cognisance of the…
8 Jul, 2022 - In recent weeks, IPH participated in a ‘Tobacco Endgame: Nobody Left Behind’ conference, hosted by the HSE, to mark World No Tobacco Day on 31 May. In this blog, Lauren Rodriguez, IPH Public Health…
21 May, 2021 - In this blog, Dr Helen McAvoy, Director of Policy at the Institute of Public Health, explores what we know about excess deaths from respiratory disease in socially disadvantaged communities, and…
18 May, 2021 - Dr Claire McEvoy, Lecturer in Nutrition and Ageing Research, and Rebecca Townsend, PhD researcher, at the Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, advise that it is never too early or…
15 Mar, 2021 - In this blog Laura McQuade from the Institute of Public Health provides some insights into how the creative arts can support positive ageing. The longevity dividend of the last century has…
1 Jul, 2020 - In this blog, Olivia O’Brien, discusses a new law banning the sale of menthol tobacco products across Ireland and Northern Ireland.  Olivia is completing an internship with the Institute as part…
15 May, 2020 - It is European Public Health Week and today’s focus is on growing old and growing healthy. Dr Conor Cunningham from the Institute of Public Health provides some practical tips on how we can stay…