
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
13 Mar, 2024 - This poster presents the findings of research undertaken by IPH which examined the relationship between mental health and smoking in Northern Ireland. The report found that around one in three…
13 Mar, 2024 - This Easy Read publication summarises the findings from a recent report published by IPH that examined the relationship between mental health and smoking in Northern Ireland. The report found that…
25 Sep, 2023 - This report examined the relationship between tobacco use and mental ill-health in Northern Ireland. It also considered tobacco control policy approaches to this issue across the UK and Ireland.…
31 May, 2023 - The 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health in Madrid attracted hundreds of delegates from far and wide to consider how a ‘Tobacco-Free Generation’ could be achieved in Europe by 2040.  IPH…
6 Feb, 2012 - IPH responded to the consultation on potential new indicators for the 2013/14 Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) in the UK. The 20…
17 May, 2005 - The Institute of Public Health welcomes the opportunity to respond to the following consultations on the regeneration of Belfast City…